Get high quality transfers of all your precious memories, whether they're on 16mm, 8mm or Super 8 sound or silent movie film, 35mm slides,
or video tape. Shokus Video does it all...and at VERY affordable prices! Whatever the job - large or small - we can do it. We
transfer to both DVD and digital flash and hard drive, and our turnaround time is fast, too. Additional services include DVD "cloning",
TV air checks, full video and audio digital editing, PAL/SECAM conversion, and audio reel-to-reel and cassette transfers to both CD and wav/mp3 format.
Below are basic labor rates to our more popular services for quick reference. For a more thorough quote specific to your needs, please . We will respond within 24 hours.

$80.00 PER HOUR
We do not charge by the foot (as do most other production facilities); we charge an hourly fee, which includes threading, transferring, and rewinding
each reel. There is a $25.00 minimum charge to transfer 16mm film that runs 15 minutes or less. We have a sliding rate scale from these minimums that runs up to
the hourly fee if your film transfers take between the minimum charge and a full hour. Please and tell us how many reels you have, their sizes, etc. for a more accurate estimate. These rates do not include disc/flash/hard drive stock, or shipping.
If additional DVDs are requested, they are "cloned", that is, digitally duplicated with no loss in quality whatsoever after the initial transfer. DVD clones are $4.95 each
regardless of length, and this includes a case and labeling.
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$65.00 PER HOUR
We do not charge by the foot (as do most other production facilities); we charge an hourly fee, which includes threading, transferring, and rewinding each reel. There is a $25.00 minimum
charge to transfer films that run less than an hour, with a sliding rate scale from this minimum that runs up to the hourly fee if your film transfers take between the minimum charge and a full hour.
Please and tell us how many reels you have, their sizes, etc. for a more accurate estimate. This rate does not include disc/flash/hard drive stock, or shipping.
If additional DVDs are requested, they are "cloned", that is, digitally duplicated with no loss in quality whatsoever after the initial transfer. DVD clones are $4.95 each
regardless of length, and this includes a case and labeling.
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$80.00 PER HOUR
Slides are transferred from 80-tray and 160-tray carousels and must be preloaded before sending them for transfer.
The above hourly rate will also apply if slides need to be loaded and unloaded here once we receive them. There is a $25.00 minimum
charge to transfer slides that run less than an hour, with a sliding rate scale from this minimum that runs up to the hourly fee if your slides take between the minimum charge and a
full hour. This rate does not include disc/flash/hard drive stock, or shipping. Please and tell us how many slides/carousels you have for a more accurate estimate.
We CAN add titles and music to any of the above transfer services at additional costs.
Shokus Video will take your old tapes and convert them to either DVD or mp4 format. We have two basic charges for this:
If your VHS, Betamax, or camcorder tape is full (that is, it runs a full two hours and you just want it transferred from start
to finish "straight through" with no stopping, the cost is $27.95, which includes the disc, case and labeling. To go to a 16gb flash drive,
the cost is $28.95. A 16gb flash drive will hold approximately 8 hours of video, so up to 3 "full" additional tapes will be charged at $24 each with no
additional charge for the flash drive. Please contact us for pricing if you wish to go to a larger external hard drive.
Many of our clients prefer this method because we will combine shorter length tapes and compile them onto a 2-hour DVD with a menu
to choose between each, or put them all on a flash or hard drive as individual mp4 files. The labor cost for this is $25.00 per hour and does NOT
include the cost of disc/flash/hard drive stock. For this method, the $25.00 per hour charge is added for the time it takes us to "roll down" each tape to get
its approximate running time, so it can be started and stopped properly. The advantage for this method is less storage space will be required for
your transfers afterward.
The rate is $25.00 per hour, regardless of the length of each tape. There is a minimum of $20.00 if the job takes less than an hour to transfer.
You can and let us know your specific requirements. We will give you a more accurate estimate.
One of our most popular services is to record programs off the air or from streaming for our
clients that don't receive specific channels or do not subscribe to streaming services. Besides having access to every
television station in the Los Angeles area, we also have DirecTV, as well as access to various online services. We have the capability to capture many different
programs, provided we have sufficient notice from the client.
AIR CHECKS START AT $25.00 PER HOUR (with a $20.00 minimum for anything less than an hour). To edit out commercials and station breaks afterward, there are additional charges.
These prices do not include disc/flash/hard drive stock, or shipping. You can if you require any further information.
P.O. Box 6647
Pine Mountain Club, CA 93222
(818) 538-9985
Fax: (661) 242-0161
Shokus Video Home Page
Copyright 2020 by Shokus Video. All rights reserved.